Three Days of Fitbit Perfect

I love my fitbit.  I love it for all the exercise tracking – and when used appropriately, it is very effictive in getting the pounds to trickle down.  But, unfortunately, I’ve been very lazy about it lately – tracking food in the daytime, then it’s a free-for-all at night…to the point where I have no idea if the exercise I did that day justifies the food I eat (which is the whole point).  I’m doing a weight-loss challenge with my coworkers Julie and Mel, and Julie is kicking my butt – because she is diligent about not going over her allotted calories (she uses the Lose It! app).  So, for three days, I’m going to challenge myself to use it correctly and see what happens – and what better way to hold myself accountable than to post it here 🙂


My Fitbit telling me to Get Hot

Breakfast, Day 1:
Spinach-scrambled eggs, toast with butter and jelly.  When I was training myself to eat more veggies, eggs were a great help – onions, peppers, spinach, salsa, all great w/ eggs.  So this morning, I sauteed a handful of baby spinach in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, then once it was nice and wilted, added one egg, one egg white, and a tablespoon of skim milk.  In the past, I might have stopped here – but I’ve found if I don’t eat enough early in the day, I binge late in the day.  So, added a pice of wheat toast, half a teaspoon of butter, and a teaspoon of jelly.  All together: 277 cals.  And I feel satisfied.
Having some coffee for a mid-morning, my kid doesn’t take a morning nap anymore, pick-me up.
Teagie is down for her nap, time for lunch and a workout.  Turkey melt for Joel, garbage salad for me (meaning whatever I find in the fridge that might be good in a salad).  Baby spinach, tomatoes, mozzarella, onion, crab meat, and lite thousand island dressing.  Only 256 cals – but I’ll for sure need a snack later (and a drink – it is St. Patrick’s Day, my ancestors would be disappointed!).
I got plenty of running in yesterday with the Get Lucky Twin Cities 7K.  It’s nice out, the kiddo is napping, the hubs is watching SPORTS! so time to take Dudders to the dog park.  I so enjoy my weekend days with Teagie and her toys – but I don’t do a lot of moving, so this is a good shake-up.  Happy pup, and I’m now up to 7,500 steps on my fitbit – plus I’m over my floors climbed goal of 10 b/c of all the hills.  Still have 1000 cals left for the day!  Now, 194 cals for 2 oz of Bailey’s on ice, or 190 for a glass of Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc…decisions, decisions…better go with the product of Ireland 🙂
Dudders with three friends
Spaghetti and lots of water for dinner – veggie enriched spaghetti (is it pasta? is it veggies?  who knows!) and marinara for me, with meatballs for Joel and Teag.  Note to anyone trying to cook dinner for a vegetarian in a house of meat-eaters – Italian and Mexican food are good ways to go.  Made life much easier when I was a veg.  But I digress…threw some onion and garlic into vegetable oil for the sauce, just to give it a little something extra.  With a cup of pasta, and half a cup of sauce, plus the oil and veggies, it’s 347 cals.  And I’ve burnt enough cals to have a snack later!  Woohoo!
It’s been a fun day playing with my Teagie (and my pup).  Now she’s in bed, and Joel and I are throwing in Homeland (just got the season 1 DVD – so pumped!).  For snack: 8 oz Sav Blanc, some grapes, and two ounces of light Brie (first time trying this – I don’t recommend.  I would have enjoyed one ounce of the regular kind more).  I’m at or over 5 servings of fruit and veggies for the day – (1. spinach and jelly, 2 & 3. salad, 4. tomato sauce, 5. grapes) – score!!  Snack is 365 cals.
My Fitbit dashboard at the end of the day.
So in total for the day – 10,005 steps, 21 floors, and 2318 calories burned.  I ate 1,568 cals, so that’s a nice deficit.  Tomorrow will be more difficult with more stationary time at work – but I’m feeling pretty good about today!